Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Good News for Rabbits

The House Rabbit Society has announced that Petsmart is ending its "test" of selling baby rabbits in its stores. The Society states,

We have heard that it was because of the vocal opposition of animal lovers across the United States that they have reconsidered their choice. Please thank PetSmart for their decision, and let them know that it was the right choice. Please address your thanks to PetSmart care of:
John Alpaugh Vice President,
Specialty Merchandising19601 North 27th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85027(623) 580-6100

Although I could find nothing about this decision on Petsmart's Web site, I'm trusting that the House Rabbit Society knows what they're talking about. This is great encouragement for those who spoke out against the ill-conceived "test" of selling rabbits. There are plenty of rabbits already in shelters and rescue groups that need homes. No one needs to buy a rabbit.